Job Leveling

Job Leveling



Register Company & Users

Human Resources has the responsibility to define, level, and manage jobs, write job descriptions, and oversee keeping jobs consistent. Click here to register on this site, and use the time-saving tools that will help you do these tasks.

Job Components

Define Jobs and Set Pay Ranges

HR's duties includes managing a lot of information about Positions (Titles), Job Characteristics, Pay Ranges, and the responsibilities that distinguish the levels of Jobs. Click here to manage the components that make up jobs.

Job Leveling

Run Job Leveling AI

Jobs are leveled based on assigned duties and responsibilities, including differentiating characteristics that support the applicable pay ranges Click here to use Artifical Intelligence to establish levels consistent with other positions.

Job Descriptions

Produce Job Descriptions

Consistent Job Descriptions must reflect all the components that went into setting a job's level. Click here to generate job descriptions using consistent job responsibilities and allow the addition of other hiring requirements as needed.

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